Boisko piłkarskie OPKiS | Brenna Brenna 43-438, Wyzwolenia 77, Silesia Voivodeship

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The football pitch with natural surface in Brenna belongs to the Commune Office of this picturesque mountain village and is administered by the Center for Promotion, Culture and Sport. Everyday it serves the local team of LKS "Beskid" Brenna, and in pre-start periods, numerous football teams from all over Poland, both junior and senior, use the pitch. Surrounded by the slopes of the Silesian Beskids, surrounded by a few sides, right by the Brennica stream, it is a great place to workout away from the hustle and bustle of cities. The location on the main road, in the center of the village, makes it accessible and convenient for everyone, regardless of the place of accommodation.

A full-size pitch with natural grass with a grandstand in the form of 100 seats. Chairs with full equipment are located in the sports hall, on the opposite side of the road.

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