MOKSiR Puck - hala sportowa Puck 84-100, Lipowa 3C, Pomerania Voivodeship

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The Sports Hall of the Municipal Center for Culture, Sport and Recreation in Puck is a full-size sports facility perfectly suited for practicing various sports, including football.

Location - right next to the Bay of Puck, next to the Municipal Stadium, in the vicinity of the Orlik Complex and near the hotel base - makes it a great place to organize sports camps by both junior and senior football teams.

Puck offers many non-training attractions, including a wide sandy beach. Good connections with the Tri-City or the Hel Peninsula provide many opportunities for sightseeing and recreation.


Distance to Locality center 1.1 km

Distance to Railway Station 1.4 km

Distance to Gdansk (PL) 54.7 km

Distance to Bus station 1.4 km

  • Car parking
  • Bus parking

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